
This year’s theme, “Building a Firm Foundation,” is taken from the gospel of Matthew 7:24-27. As we encounter Christ’s words in Daily mass, talks, and activities we will dive into the theme and how we can build and establish a firm faith foundation.

What is Cor Christi Camp?

Every Summer, Youth from all over Washington gather for a week to retreat from the distractions of daily life and re-center on God, through Daily mass, communal prayer, fellowship, fun, and silent reflection in God’s creation.

We put this camp together in order to invite our youth to a deeper relationship person of Jesus Christ, through encounter with the sacraments and an authentic witness of Christian Servant-leadership.

Questions? Contact us at


We have various needs and types of campers while at camp. Please fill out the registration form that best fits you.

  • Camper– Students between 5th Grade (Entering this fall) and high school sophomores, hoping to attend camp this Summer.
  • Junior Counselor-CLOSED-This is a program for those 16-20 years old, who help aid and facilitate their small groups all while building leadership skills. This year, JCs will participate in staff training beginning on Friday, July 12th.
  • Counselor-Thank you so much for considering helping out Cor Christi Camp!! The work we do would not be possible without your help. As we are in the Yakima Diocese you will need to fill out an application AND a background check. For the safety of you and our students all dioceses require that all volunteers have Safe Environment training. 


July 14-19, 2024

  • Arrival: Sunday, 3-4 PM
  • Departure: Friday, 10 AM – Noon

Lazy F Retreat Center just outside of Ellensbug, WA. We loved the location and the ammenities it offered last year and we are excited to return! We hope to see you there.

16170 Manastash Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926

February 1, 2024.

Camp reached capacity last year at 100 campers, so make sure you register early!

There is a $50 non-refundable deposit per child. When camp is paid in full this deposit will be put towards the total cost of camp, which is $500 per camper. The balance of the camper fee must be received by Cor Christi no later than May 31, 2024.

For those who cannot afford the full cost there is an automatic scholarship of $100, when requested. We do not want to leave your child(ren) out due to cost. If you need additional help, please contact us. Depending on donations we may have additional scholarship money available.

Donations are being actively pursued to offset the cost difference. If you are able, and would like to make a donation or even sponsor a camper, please contact us!

If cost is still a problem, we strongly encourage local parish and personal fundraising. Some ideas you may want to try are: bake sales, car washes, and baby/dog sitting.

This year we are able to accept payments electronically.  Though we were not able to avoid handling fees, so it will charge a small amount more than the total.

If you prefer to avoid the handling fee and pay in cash or by check, you can hand it to Mike Drollman or mail to:

1621 Meadowridge Drive, Wenatchee, WA 98801

We accept students entering the fifth grade to students entering Sophomore year in 2024. 

Juniors and Seniors who want to be part of camp are invited take on a leadership role as a junior counselor, along with adults under the age of 21.

  • Climbing Wall
  • Zip-lining
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Procession
  • Inner Tubing
  • Singing and dancing
  • Nightly campfires
  • Daily Mass and/or Holy Communion
  • Hiking in the woods
  • GaGa Ball
  • Arts and crafts
  • First Word (getting our minds focused on God’s daily will for us)
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Challenge course
  • Awesome Catholic curriculum that focuses on building character in today’s youth, including how to live as a vibrant & alive Catholic in today’s world!

Be sure to bring a good attitude and an expectation of a wonderful week  In additon, find an extensive list here.

Our theme for 2024 is “Building a Firm Foundation.”

This year we want to provide our youth with the tools and skills to build a firm faith foundation. A strong foundation that will set them up for a life long relationship with Christ.

Before Cor Christi Camp-Tammy Loe, mother of 9, heard God calling her to open a Catholic Youth Camp. At the time she did not know what that would mean. After sending her 4 oldest children to a non-denominational camp the kids came back with heavy hearts because they felt “targeted” because they were Catholic. In 2007 the very first Norther Idaho Catholic Youth Camp (NICYC) was held.

Beginning of CWCYC-In 2014 Michael Drollman attended his first NICYC camp as a counselor. Camp changed Michael’s life and he knew that God was asking him to start a camp in central Washington. After several “no”s, Michael finally said “yes!” 2018 brought new blessings and opportunities. In God’s timing, Central Washington Catholic Youth Camp (CWCYC) finally became a reality. A camp location, funding, and volunteers finally lined up. After a wildfire at the originally planned YMCA Camp Dudley we quickly had to move, that summer we had our very first CWCYC camp at YMCA Lake Wenatchee.


Name Change- We are still the same camp but now we go by a simpler name, and one that reflects our ministries better. Cor Christi Camp has continued to grow and serve the Central Washington community, we have been blessed to have enough campers to fill it each year it’s been held.

Media From Past Summers

Pictures and Videos



Photos Password: GODROCKS2022


Our first year at Lazy F was a great time, with over 80 campers!


Despite a last minute venue change due to wildfires, we were able to put a great week together, through the grace of God! Thank you to all who attending year one!

Donate by Check

Please mail checks to: 
Cor Christi
P.O. Box 928, Waterville, WA 98858

You can specify which ministry you wish your donation to go to (Academy, Broadcasting, Camp)
or you can leave that for the ministries to decide.

Thank you, and God bless you!

Donate by
Credit - Debit - ACH